These case studies provide insight into how different organisations have used cross-sector partnerships to tackle sustainable development challenges. They include International examples from the Agriculture, Extractives, Manufacturing and Tourism sectors. The case studies include commentary on key points relevant to the Zambian context and a link to the original, more detailed source.
Burkino Faso: Smallholders Hub for Sesame and Black-eyed Pea farmers
Pickou Export Ltd was set up by local entrepreneur to offer a professionally-managed hub, two warehouses and a field school for disempowered smallholders growing sesame and black-eyed peas across 50 villages. The program addresses market access issues & capacity building to improve quality and yield. The initial action came from the local entrepreneur, who was willing to carry the majority of the risk with guidance, funding and support from partners. Grow Africa provided experienced NGO facilitation, CIDR contributed expert advice on an inclusive business model which allows smallholders to become shareholders.
Peru: Small Business ‘Linkages’ Program
Newmont and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Peru set up a holistic support program for small and medium sized businesses (SMES) called ‘Linkages’. The ‘Linkages’ program included comprehensive financial advisory services and marketing support. To complement this, an administrative simplification project was launched in conjunction with local government, making it far easier to register a new business through a ‘one-stop-shop’ and bringing licensing costs down for SMEs. Newmont providing funding and professional training modules to the program and supported the creation of a local association to support sustainable development in the area over the long term.
Ethiopia: Industrial Academy
In collaboration with Volvo, SIDA and UNIDO established a training academy for technicians of heavy duty machinery and commercial vehicles. The project aims to improve employment prospects for Ethiopian youth in advanced commercial vehicle maintenance through high-tech training, thereby contributing to the poverty reduction effort in the country. There is currently a severe skills shortage in this area. Volvo provides funding and technical expertise in the form of training, equipment and offering apprenticeships to graduates of the academy. UNIDO is responsible for the overall project management and implementation.
Indonesia: Partnerships for Tourism Development
This Local Economic Develoment (LED) program involved a broad spectrum of partners and was facilitated by the ILO in Indonesia focused on stimulating the tourism sector. The program started in 2006 with a participative brainstorming exercise to identify practical actions to realize economic opportunities on the island. This helped members of the private and public sector as well as local NGOs to focus on the development of this industry and led to a prioritised list of 10 items to work on including a tourist trail, capacity building and marketing materials.
However, lack of infrastructure, access difficulties and perceptions of lack of security severely hampered the process – this triple challenge threatened to close the whole project. Instead, the partners jointly agreed to focus efforts on just one initial goal that would facilitate others – the opening of an international flight route to Banda Aceh. This was successfully achieved – creating momentum, showing investors that change was happening, and paving the way for a three year strategic development plan.