Current Projects

In its current form, ZBiDF is focusing on managing and supporting cross sector partnerships for development in two primary sectors:  Agriculture and Manufacturing.  A highly trained broker/consultant in each sector works with industry, government and civil society players to work within the multi-stakeholder platform to create jobs, improve skills and ultimately achieve sustainable development and business goals.

National Multi-Stakeholder Cassava Platform

National Multi-Stakeholder Cassava Platform

The Agriculture Sector Partnerships seek to increase productivity for small holders through improved access to inputs and increasing commercialization, thereby contributing to local business and an increased contribution to GDP.
National Multi-Stakeholder Skills Development Platform

National Multi-Stakeholder Skills Development Platform

The Manufacturing Sector Partnerships propose to increase the employability of participating citizens and develop a skilled human resource for enhanced firm productivity in the manufacturing industry.


The Zambia Business in Development Facility is scoping the development of brokered services within the tourism sector. Involvement in the tourism sector follows discussions the ZBiDF has had with some key members of the Champions and Advisory group who...

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